Special Sessions/Forums/Side Events Awbal
Nov 10, 2021 04:00 PM - 05:30 PM(Asia/Qatar)
20211110T1600 20211110T1730 Asia/Qatar Special Session | ISOCARP Institute: Innovative Solutions for Climate Resilient Cities and Communities


The ISOCARP Institute is organising a special session about innovative solutions for climate resilient cities and communities in connection with the ISOCARP World Planning Congress. The Congress takes place in Doha, Qatar, and will bring together professional planners, architects, researchers, and policymakers from around the world. Particularly, this session integrates into "Track 4: Resilience and Adaptability" of the Congress and discusses key elements regarding the shaping of strategies to enhance climate resilience in cities. Insights will be drawn from the ongoing Horizon 2020 EU projects in which the Institute is involved: +CityxChange, VARCITIES, and JUSTNature.


The session targets the general audience of the Congress and welcomes professional planners, practitioners, researchers, Young Professional Planners (YPPs) and government officials. In view of the interactive session following the speakers panel, the maximum number of attendants is limited (Approx. 30-35).


The format of the session combines a panel discussion with an interactive exercise: a World Café. This will promote cross-learning and knowledge transfer between participants and speakers. The speakers will discuss innovative solutions for climate resilience and provide insights from relevant EU projects. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on opportunities and challenges faced by these projects and collaboratively apply a problem-solving approach. The session will focus on the advancements driving forward the transition to low-carbon and resilient cities and comm ...

Awbal 57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress in Doha, Qatar ajuurinen@xtalks.com
25 attendees saved this session


The ISOCARP Institute is organising a special session about innovative solutions for climate resilient cities and communities in connection with the ISOCARP World Planning Congress. The Congress takes place in Doha, Qatar, and will bring together professional planners, architects, researchers, and policymakers from around the world. Particularly, this session integrates into "Track 4: Resilience and Adaptability" of the Congress and discusses key elements regarding the shaping of strategies to enhance climate resilience in cities. Insights will be drawn from the ongoing Horizon 2020 EU projects in which the Institute is involved: +CityxChange, VARCITIES, and JUSTNature.


The session targets the general audience of the Congress and welcomes professional planners, practitioners, researchers, Young Professional Planners (YPPs) and government officials. In view of the interactive session following the speakers panel, the maximum number of attendants is limited (Approx. 30-35).


The format of the session combines a panel discussion with an interactive exercise: a World Café. This will promote cross-learning and knowledge transfer between participants and speakers. The speakers will discuss innovative solutions for climate resilience and provide insights from relevant EU projects. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on opportunities and challenges faced by these projects and collaboratively apply a problem-solving approach. The session will focus on the advancements driving forward the transition to low-carbon and resilient cities and communities. It will consider innovations such as positive energy blocks and nature-based solutions, but also important elements to achieve successful long-term implementation, such as public engagement, political acceptance, and social justice.


The agenda below provides an overview of the session. The event will feature a keynote speech from the newly elected ISOCARP president Pietro Elisei and an international speakers' panel (3-4 panellists and a moderator).

Programme (Doha local time | Arabian Standard Time)
16:00 - 16:10Ice breaker

Gisela Garrido Veron, Project Manager, ISOCARP Institute
Mare-Sohie Barreau, Project Officer, ISOCARP Institute
16:10 - 16:15Welcome Introduction
Didier Vancutsem, Director, ISOCARP Institute
15:15 - 16:22Keynote
Pietro Elisei, President-Elect, ISOCARP
16:22 - 16:45Panel Session:

Dirk Ahlers, Project Coordinator, NTNU + CityxChange
Sonja Gantolier, Project Lead, EURAC, JUSTNature

16:45- 16:55Coffee Break + Poster Interaction
16:55 - 17:20World Cafe

Gisela Garrido VeronProject Manager, ISOCARP Institute
Marie-Sophie Barreau, Project Officer, ISOCARP Institute
17:20 - 17:30Group discussion and reflection
Moderation by: Gisela Garrido Veron, Project Manager, ISOCARP Institute
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ISOCARP - Technical Administrator
Prof Thomas Weith
Head of Working Group
Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)
Senior researcher
Eurac Research, Institute for Renewable Energy
Ms Gisela Garrido-Veron
Project Manager
ISOCARP Institute – Centre for Urban Excellence
Prof Didier Vancutsem
ISOCARP Institute – Centre for Urban Excellence
Assoc. Prof Zeynep Gunay
ISOCARP / Istanbul Technical University
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