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Plenary Event Almas Ballroom
Nov 11, 2021 04:00 PM - 06:00 PM(Asia/Qatar)
20211111T1600 20211111T1800 Asia/Qatar Closing Ceremony Programme (Doha local time | Arabian Standard Time)16:00 - 16:05Practicalities and Recap16:05 - 16:45Summary of the CongressPiotr Lorens & Hangwelani Magidimisha, General RapporteursCongress Team:Matej Niksic & Rajendra KumarSerin Geambazu & Laura VerdelliAlexander Antonov & Lorraine GonzalesHanna Obracht-Prondzynska, Pedro Ressano Garcia, & Kate HolmquistFrancois Vienne, Olga Chepelianskaia, & Nasim IranmaneshLocal Rapporteurs: Ammar AbulibdehEng. Mohuiddin Jamaleddin Fodil Fadli Mohd Faris Khamidi & Esmat Zaidan Mark David Major 16:45 - 16:50Doha DeclarationKate Holmquist, Deputy-Chair, ISOCARP Scientific Committee16:50 - 17:00Closing StatementRepresentative from UN-Habitat17:00 - 17:10Closing RemarksFrank D'hondt & Pietro Elisei17:10 - 17:20Closing WordsMinistry of Municipality, Host of the 57th WPC17:20 - 17:25Handover Ceremony - 58th ISOCARP World Planning Congress 17:25 - 17:35Announcement of the 58th WPC - Brussels 2022Video message by Pascal Smet, Secretary of Urban Planning of the Brussels-Capital Region Antoine de Borman, General Director, Perspective.Brussels17:35 - 17:40Closing Dalal Al Baker, Master of Ceremonies Almas Ballroom 57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress in Doha, Qatar ajuurinen@xtalks.com
55 attendees saved this session

Programme (Doha local time | Arabian Standard Time)
16:00 - 16:05Practicalities and Recap
16:05 - 16:45Summary of the Congress
Piotr Lorens & Hangwelani Magidimisha, General Rapporteurs

Congress Team:

Matej Niksic & Rajendra Kumar
Serin Geambazu & Laura Verdelli
Alexander Antonov & Lorraine Gonzales
Hanna Obracht-Prondzynska, Pedro Ressano Garcia, & Kate Holmquist
Francois Vienne, Olga Chepelianskaia, & Nasim Iranmanesh

Local Rapporteurs: 

Ammar Abulibdeh
Eng. Mohuiddin Jamaleddin 
Fodil Fadli 
Mohd Faris Khamidi & Esmat Zaidan 
Mark David Major 
16:45 - 16:50Doha Declaration
Kate Holmquist, Deputy-Chair, ISOCARP Scientific Committee
16:50 - 17:00Closing Statement
Representative from UN-Habitat
17:00 - 17:10Closing Remarks
Frank D'hondt & Pietro Elisei
17:10 - 17:20Closing Words
Ministry of Municipality, Host of the 57th WPC
17:20 - 17:25Handover Ceremony - 58th ISOCARP World Planning Congress 
17:25 - 17:35Announcement of the 58th WPC - Brussels 2022
Video message by Pascal Smet, Secretary of Urban Planning of the Brussels-Capital Region 
Antoine de Borman, General Director, Perspective.Brussels
17:35 - 17:40Closing 

Dalal Al Baker, Master of Ceremonies
Professor In Town and Regional Planning
University Of Kwazulu-Natal
Professor, Head of the Department
Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
Principal/ Deputy-Chair, ISOCARP Scientific Committee
WerkSTADT Urban Planning + Development
Secretary General
perspective.brussels - Brussels Planning Agency
No moderator for this session!
Mr Junji Shibata
Corporate Officer
Oriental Consultants Global
3rd Civil Engineer
Ministry of Municipality and Environment
Managing Partner
Totem Architects
Tianjin University
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