Location-based Workshops Fayruz 1
Nov 09, 2021 11:00 AM - 06:00 PM(Asia/Qatar)
20211109T1100 20211109T1800 Asia/Qatar Doha | Location-based Workshops | Track 3: Msheireb Properties

Track 3 : Smartness and Development 

Location: Msheireb Downtown Doha 

Workshop Schedule:

10:45 -11:00 

Assembly time

11:00 -12:00 

Introduction and site expert' keynote

12:00 - 14:00 

Site Visit

14:00 - 15:00 

Lunch break

15:00 - 16:00 

Workshop-related papers and cases

ISO444: Urban Regeneration using GIS-based methodology as an approach for the redevelopment of historic commercial city cores: Case study of Kolkata, India, Susmita Paul

ISO565: Building on Tradition, The New Architectural Language of Qatar, Fatima Mohamed Fazwy Hassan

ISO576: Transition to Sustainable Smart Energy: An analysis of human-building interactions in Qatar Using Machine Learning Techniques, Esmat Zaidan

16:00 -16:30

Coffee break

16:30 -18:00

Workshop Charette discussion

Room: Juman

Workshop Topic:

Msheireb urban regeneration project was awarded as one of the most sustainable city neighborhoods in the world. In this workshop participants will be introduced to the planning matrix used in developing the project. Crucial questions will be answered including the main concept generation? Why bringing people back to Doha heart is significant? How the project established a model to be adopted locally, regionally, and internationally? 

Local experts will share with the participants the whole narrative of the project. Then a walking tour will be conducted to explore the different components and spaces. The workshop will be conducted with a round table discussion to stimulate a dialogue related to smart sustainable and livable urban regeneration; lessons learned and future visions.

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Fayruz 1 57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress in Doha, Qatar ajuurinen@xtalks.com
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Track 3 : Smartness and Development 

Location: Msheireb Downtown Doha 

Workshop Schedule:

10:45 -11:00 

Assembly time

11:00 -12:00 

Introduction and site expert' keynote

12:00 - 14:00 

Site Visit

14:00 - 15:00 

Lunch break

15:00 - 16:00 

Workshop-related papers and cases

ISO444: Urban Regeneration using GIS-based methodology as an approach for the redevelopment of historic commercial city cores: Case study of Kolkata, India, Susmita Paul

ISO565: Building on Tradition, The New Architectural Language of Qatar, Fatima Mohamed Fazwy Hassan

ISO576: Transition to Sustainable Smart Energy: An analysis of human-building interactions in Qatar Using Machine Learning Techniques, Esmat Zaidan

16:00 -16:30

Coffee break

16:30 -18:00

Workshop Charette discussion

Room: Juman

Workshop Topic:

Msheireb urban regeneration project was awarded as one of the most sustainable city neighborhoods in the world. In this workshop participants will be introduced to the planning matrix used in developing the project. Crucial questions will be answered including the main concept generation? Why bringing people back to Doha heart is significant? How the project established a model to be adopted locally, regionally, and internationally? 

Local experts will share with the participants the whole narrative of the project. Then a walking tour will be conducted to explore the different components and spaces. The workshop will be conducted with a round table discussion to stimulate a dialogue related to smart sustainable and livable urban regeneration; lessons learned and future visions.

Workshop Coordinators: 

  • Dr. Ali Abdelraouf
  • Fatima Al-Bader 

 ISOCARP Workshop Representative

  • Guy Perry

Transition to Sustainable Smart Energy: An analysis of human-building interactions in Qatar Using Machine Learning Techniques.View Abstract
Research Paper3: Smartness and development. Al-Souq: innovating for performance and management 11:00 AM - 06:00 PM (Asia/Qatar) 2021/11/09 08:00:00 UTC - 2021/11/09 15:00:00 UTC
Human-oriented factors present unavoidable challenges and uncertainties in building energy strategic planning. The uncertainties escalate when the target society is not fully known to the decision-maker and can create performance gaps between the expected and actual outcomes of sustainability targets. This article aims to investigate the role of socioeconomic and behavioral dimensions in residential energy consumption patterns among regions that host high proportions of migrant communities with diverse cultural and ethnic traits. This study evaluates the patterns in human-building interactions and energy behaviors among local and migrant communities based on empirical evidence and survey analysis. The survey data are investigated via machine learning approaches to identify the interdependencies between and feature importance of critical factors that influence human-building interactions and to determine elements that help to discern the energy behavior of locals and migrants. A simulation analysis is conducted to analyze residential energy consumption under different human indoor thermal comfort preferences in multiple case scenarios to demonstrate how improvements in human-building interaction can create saving opportunities. The findings capture the main socioeconomic and behavioral contributors in residential energy consumption and demonstrate the impact of human factor at a high level in regions with imbalanced demographics and societies in transition.
Presenters ESMAT Zaidan
Associate Professor, Qatar University
Building on Tradition, The New Architectural Language of QatarView Abstract
Case Study Report3: Smartness and development. Al-Souq: innovating for performance and management 11:00 AM - 06:00 PM (Asia/Qatar) 2021/11/09 08:00:00 UTC - 2021/11/09 15:00:00 UTC
How can cities respond to the new and emerging challenges that we are facing today? How can they stand differently and offer a new way of living that best meets their professional requirements and a healthy and social lifestyle? These questions were the cornerstone for Msheireb Properties to plan and build Msheireb Downtown Doha, the world’s first sustainable downtown regeneration project located in Qatar’s capital city. For achieving this, Msheireb introduced a new architectural language that is relevant, enriching and uniquely Qatari. This relies on what Msheireb Properties calls “The Seven Principles” to secure continuity between the past, present and future. It is clearly reflected through the integration of Qatar’s architectural past with contemporary design and the latest eco-friendly technology, to present a unique city district that is sustainable, smart and enhances social connectivity. In June 2019, Msheireb Properties launched the book ‘Building on Tradition, The New Architectural Language of Qatar’ at a special event held at RIBA, The Royal Institute of British Architects in London. The book details the seven principles of architecture that were developed through a three-year collaboration with some of the world’s leading academics and urban planners including Mossessian Architecture, Eric Parry Architects and John McAslan + Partners. The new architectural language aimed to restore the uniqueness of Qatar’s built environment and strengthen the social ties that define Qatari culture. It is modern yet inspired by traditional Qatari heritage and architecture – its proportion is based on simplicity, space, light, layering, ornamentation, and response to climate. The strategic objective of the research is to show how Msheireb Downtown Doha is reimagining the pattern of development in Doha, which has in the past tended towards isolated land use, reliance on car transportation and energy hungry structures. Msheireb Downtown Doha is about socializing and connectivity and serves as a new social and civic hub in the city centre—a place where it is enjoyable to live, work, shop, visit, and spend time with family and friends. The book is a reference for all companies, architects, researchers in the Gulf region and globally to know more about this unique project and benefit from its outcomes. It is available on-line in PDF formats and in hard copies. It serves as a reliable open-source of information that sets a concrete base to change the current trends in building to a new one that is deeply rooted in culture and enables residents to connect and re-socialize.
Presenters Fatima Mohamed Fazwy Hassan
Design Manager , Msheireb Properties
Urban Regeneration using GIS-based methodology as an approach for the redevelopment of historic commercial city cores: Case study of Kolkata, IndiaView Abstract
Research Paper3: Smartness and development. Al-Souq: innovating for performance and management 11:00 AM - 06:00 PM (Asia/Qatar) 2021/11/09 08:00:00 UTC - 2021/11/09 15:00:00 UTC
In 1772, Kolkata (Calcutta) was announced as the first capital of British India, having a major port and a rich cultural and built heritage in its core. As a result, Kolkata became the British's commercial center, and the city developed in terms of urban planning. Later on, Kolkata became the melting pot of a diverse complex amalgamation of communities with multiple claims, occupancies, conflicts, harmony, and unified entities from a wide range of ethnic and geographic origins like different states of India and also from the neighboring countries. In 1960, the satellite towns of Kolkata started growing towards the periphery of the city with the IT-driven economy. Due to that shift towards satellite towns, this polycentric, linear, unplanned city core is facing multiple problems like losing value of culture and heritage; economical degradation, trading practice failure, insufficient infrastructure, major traffic congestion, safety issues due to poor urban environmental infrastructure. It is an urgent need to develop the high value land without losing the heritage and cultural identity of these historic markets. From the point of view of economic efficiency, the neglected historic urban center of Kolkata has cultural potential and represents a foregone opportunity for growth in State income as a state capital. An attempt to understand the urban narratives and everyday urbanism of this historic urban core of Kolkata has been undertaken to obligate urban regeneration strategies based on planning and harnessing of local economy by fostering social, physical and cultural attributes of the area. The aim of the research is to develop a holistic conceptual framework to identify areas required for urban regeneration, using geographic information systems (GIS) as a tool to decipher the urban narratives in the old historic commercial centers of the city. These historic markets in this city have a rich historic value, heritage potentials and influence in eastern India, but are on the verge of losing their significance due to lack of interventions, initiatives and awareness. The investigations are based on quantitative and qualitative data analysis which are collected from the historic core areas and market places through field surveys. In this discourse, GIS as a tool has been used for developing databases for the urban fabric and correlating those data for earmarking of each affected region. In the successive stages, the graphical and non-graphical data has been converted into graphical data in the form of algorithm structure and scoring system has been developed for each parameter. The paper focuses on cluster-based intelligent regeneration strategies, where these territories can set in motion innovative mechanisms of economic regeneration and enhance substantially. Within these environments, new knowledge functions and business models can appear and thrive relying on collective intelligence, technology transfer and collaborative agglomeration of economies. Based on the findings, the sub-regions for urban regeneration have been determined. The strategies for urban regeneration focus on qualitative improvements to existing conditions, and also anticipating future needs. The study concludes with planning decisions to develop policies for historic core development based on its potential and cultural values.
Presenters Susmita Paul
Young Professional, National Institute Of Disaster Management, Govt. Of India
design Manager
Msheireb Properties
Associate Professor
Qatar University
Young Professional
National Institute of Disaster Management, Govt. of India
Expert_Architect Engineering
Congress Advisor and Professor - ISOCARP Board Member
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Researcher - planning and quality
Planning and statistic authority
Ministry of Municipality
Ministry of Municipality and Environment
 Hangwelani Hope Magidimisha
Professor In Town and Regional Planning
University Of Kwazulu-Natal
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