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Plenary Event Almas Ballroom
Nov 09, 2021 09:00 AM - 10:45 AM(Asia/Qatar)
20211109T0900 20211109T1045 Asia/Qatar Doha | Plenary 1 Programme (Doha local time | Arabian Standard Time)9:00 - 9:10Practical Announcements, Programme of the day, Workshop details9:10 - 9:15Introduction of the Keynote Speaker9:15 - 10:00Keynote PresentationCaroline Bos, Co-founder, UNStudio10:00 - 10:45Young Planning Professionals' Workshop PresentationsSlawomir Ledwon, Master of Ceremonies Almas Ballroom 57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress in Doha, Qatar ajuurinen@xtalks.com
58 attendees saved this session

Programme (Doha local time | Arabian Standard Time)
9:00 - 9:10Practical Announcements, Programme of the day, Workshop details
9:10 - 9:15Introduction of the Keynote Speaker
9:15 - 10:00Keynote Presentation
Caroline Bos, Co-founder, UNStudio
10:00 - 10:45Young Planning Professionals' Workshop Presentations

Slawomir Ledwon, Master of Ceremonies
ISOCARP / Istanbul Technical University
Co Founder Principal Urban Planner
No moderator for this session!
Ministry of Public Health
Supervisor Health Inspection
Ministry of Public Health
Dr Mohuiddin Jamaleddin
Senior Architect / Senior Regional and Urban Planner
Ministry of Municipality
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