Sub-area planning with EGO (equity goals oriented)

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Unlocking a systems planning approach to district-level planning in Austin TX. While many cities in the USA suffer from demographic and socioeconomic segregation, our moral obligation as planners is to diminish displacement and connecting communities back together. This Case Study looks into the historically gentrified area of central Austin, TX (USA). Segregated by a highway, and with enormous pressure of development due to its proximity to the urban core, this study area is a great example of a century long history of planning mistakes. The case study in this session will inspire the search for uniqueness and the importance of connectivity in communities around the world. With a premise that "movement is the lifeblood of the city", this case study will dive deep into a methodology that helps planners find areas in the urban realm that can be retrofitted with an "EGO" approach (Equity Goals Oriented). The study is GIS based; it accounts for subjective and objective sets of data that are evaluated statistically, and transformed accordingly. The result of the statistically-based GIS approach, is a map that highlights the areas with high opportunity to retrofit within the city. The methodology used in this case study aims to highlight 3 principles for the planning profession: 1.- An equity lens in planning: helping planners unlock solutions to areas with high pressure of gentrification. 2.- Big data and mapping tools: informing decisions in every aspect of a planning process. 3.- Planner Leverage: Planners have a big (if not the strongest) power to leverage equitable, resilient and sustainable development.
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5: Uniqueness and connectivity. Al-Baraha: unlocking urban futures
Planning and Urban Design Manager
Urban Land Institute | Parkhill

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