Inclusive and Participatory Planning of Public Space of Streets in Market towards Up-gradation - A Practical Experience from Redevelopment of T. Nagar Chennai, India

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The United Nations, the Population growth and urbanization are projected to add 2.5 billion people to the world’s urban population by 2050, with nearly 90% of the increase concentrated in Asia and Africa (United Nations, 2014). In India Urban Planning conventionally has been viewed as land use planning through Master Plan approach or Development Plan approach following the zoning regulations, the development control regulations and bye-laws which are the legal tools of intervention in urban development, creating exclusions of the people and their needs and aspirations, The local governments in India gain importance when the country enacted the 73rd and the 74th constitutional amendment acts (CAA), in 1992. However, in practice, local government autonomy in India is restricted by limited resources. (UN-HABITAT, 2009). Urban neighbourhoods are residential area either as planned or traditional form accommodates communities of diverse culture. Urban neighbourhoods undergo changes in the spaces in the house, building, streets and other public places in the locality and the overall built form. It is evident from the new trends as rebuilt the spaces and activities becomes challenge in terms of urban resilience to the inhabitants and the local civic authorities. The transformation in the house, street and other common places and the built form experienced the residential character change towards commercial and other non- residential uses in the neighbourhood. The social and physical impacts of the spatial transformation demands for rebuild the activities as making redevelopment strategies to resolve the conflict between the residential and commercial spaces. The efforts from civil society organizations to promote people participation in urban planning are also very limited due to a variety of reasons (PRIA, 2008). So, the need to develop an Inclusive and Participatory approach towards community centered redevelopment of the urban local neighbourhood becomes herculean task for the city planners of the local government. The participation and involvement of the local community including the visitors to the market and common places is essential in upgrading the local neighbourhood. A new planning model on "Participatory Redevelopment" (PD) as an integrated approach developed by the author is followed in the Redevelopment of T. Nagar Project. The project is hosted by the Corporation of Chennai, Tamil Nadu State. This project has undertaken by the International consultant JLL-India in association with TOWNSLAND Company from Hong Kong during 2012. The author worked as a Social Development Expert in the project while working as Professor and Head Dept. of Planning School of Architecture and Planning, Anna University Chennai. The PD project used the Model named as "Collective-Target Centered-Collective ("C-TC-C") participation comprising of three different stage of Participation. The PD adopts the approach as FIVE PILLAR SYSTEM (FPS). The above said aspects are the main focus of this paper within the context of the case study T. NAGAR. It is a residential neighbourhood transforming into a busy retail commercial market both formal and informal sector area with visitors as well as the residence. T. Nagar is situated in the midst of the CHENNAI city, the capital of the Tamil Nadu State in India.
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1: Inclusiveness and empowerment. Al-Majlis: planning with and for communities
School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada India

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