Climate crisis is a global problem that requires immediate mitigation. One of the efforts for climate change mitigation is the utilization of renewable energy. On Sumba Island, Indonesia, the Sumba Iconic Island for Renewable Energy (SII) program was established to encourage the use of renewable energy to mitigate the climate crisis while increasing the electrification ratio of four districts on Sumba Island. As part of the SII Program, there is the PV School TERANG Project program on Sumba Island, including East Sumba Regency, which can contribute to an increase in the Electric Village Ratio, where the PV School program is implemented in educational facilities so that there are stakeholders from schools and the program can benefit schools and society at once. Social acceptance, especially socio-political acceptance from various actors is needed so that the PV School program can run optimally in order to increase the electrification ratio and the renewable energy mix. This study aims to analyze social acceptance, particularly socio-political acceptance, occurs in renewable energy programs at educational facilities, with the case study of the PV School TERANG Project. The analysis carried out in this research are the identification of the socio-political acceptance variable in the renewable energy program at educational facilities, the analysis of the socio-political acceptance in the case study, namely the PV School TERANG Project, and the stakeholder network to increase electrification and the renewable energy mix through the PV School program. Primary data was obtained through interviews, while secondary data collection was carried out by reviewing literature and statutory regulations. The results show that the socio-political acceptance based on four general variables (legal or policy/regulatory framework, acceptance by the public, acceptance and coordination of key stakeholders, and acceptance by policy makers) in the program is quite good with a score of 78.5, with the necessary increase in legal or policy/regulatory framework and acceptance by policy makers variables. Of the thirteen actors interviewed, the actor playing a central role was Hivos Southeast Asia and school stakeholders. For the PV School development plan and efforts to increase electrification with a renewable energy mix, the local stakeholders could do the replication of the PV School program, by collaborating with other local institution such as Village Enterprise (BUMDes), State Electricity Company (PT PLN), and local enterprise (PT RESCO Sumba TERANG), for the construction, operation, and maintenance of renewable energy based power plants.