Influencing factors for place attachment based on GWR model

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As the most basic characteristic of community, place attachment plays an important role in the formation and development of community. At present, some studies have found that place attachment has an impact on community participation and community evaluation. However, the existing qualitative studies are mainly descriptive statistical analysis, and the significant results of the impact factors in different case locations are significantly different, indicating that the influence factors are spatially unstable, which means that different position is affected by the same influence factors to different degrees, so it is necessary to introduce the method of spatial measurement. Based on the GWR model of geographic information system technology, this paper studies the influence of community participation and community evaluation on community attachment of residents in Beijing Nanluogu Lane historic site. The GWR model is used to analyze the spatial heterogeneity of the data, which is consistent with the spatial instability characteristics of the influencing factors of place attachment. We combined the related theory to establish the two-dimensional structure scale: (i) community participation influence factor is subdivided into the number of outdoor activity nodes, the outdoor activity time and the length of outdoor steps, (ii) community evaluation is subdivided into the attention and satisfaction of spatial nodes, (iii) place attachment is subdivided into community familiarity, sense of belonging, degree of personal meaning and degree of dedication. We designed a set of questionnaires and conducted a sample survey in 18 hutongs in Nanluogu Lane. A total of 360 questionnaires were distributed in the survey. After the weighted values of two-dimensional indicators were established by factor analysis method, the data were analyzed by GWR model. The results showed that community attachment in Nanluogu Lane showed a bipolar pattern, which was generally higher in the northwest and lower in the southeast. Residents' cognitive-activity range, cognitive evaluation, and activity duration of the historic site are related to the community facilities to a greater extent. The different cognitive-behavioral characteristics of residents lead to the differentiation of sense of community. Community participation has a greater impact on place attachment than community evaluation value. This paper emphasizes the relationship between community participation, community evaluation and place attachment, providing a strong foundation for the further renewal of historic districts.
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1: Inclusiveness and empowerment. Al-Majlis: planning with and for communities
Beijing Forestry University
Beijing Forestry University

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