As a result of urban sprawl in Jeddah that led to losing control over the old neighborhoods and focusing more on developing new neighborhoods that attract residents through internal migration. Therefore, many deteriorated areas and slums started to appear in the urban fabric of Jeddah. However, not all these deteriorated areas need the same level of urban regeneration. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to provide a classification tool for these deteriorated areas that will contribute in helping the developers and decision-makers in defining the appropriate regeneration process. The research aims to explore how the deteriorated areas could be classified according to specific characteristics and criteria, and what are the appropriate strategies for upgrading or regenerating for each case. The data collection is derived from previous literature review, research studies, and different local and international case-studies of existing projects as well. A survey study will be directed to experts in the field, in order to verify the importance of the proposed characteristics that contribute to build the desired proposed classification framework. Thus, the results of the survey will examine the validation and effectiveness of the developed framework. This will be followed with a conclusion to clarify how the outputs of this study contributed to solving the research problem. Finally, a group of recommendations will be directed to three different stakeholders: urban designers, decision-makers, and scientific researchers. These recommendations will tackle what has been theoretically and practically achieved in this field, and how to limit the phenomenon of deprived and degraded areas in the upcoming future, especially in the local contexts.