The dominance of artificial surfaces over ecological spaces in urban environments is not only causing severe environmental crises but also having a significant impact on citizens' mental health. While many studies have been conducted to investigate the relationship between urban ecological environments and citizens' mental health, many of the mechanisms involved in such links, particularly in the design of urban green spaces, remain poorly understood and analyzed. Moreover, given the relatively arid climate of Iran and the uncertainty about the importance of green space in urban development programs, it seems necessary to address this issue. As a result, the primary goal of this research is to look into the significant relationships between the impact of various types of urban green spaces on citizens' mental health. Studies were conducted in four residential neighborhoods of Shiraz city. The conceptual framework was developed using a combination of questionnaire analysis, GIS analysis, and statistical analysis. On the one hand, international standard questionnaires were used to collect information about citizens' health and perception of green space. On the other hand, the quantity, quality, and accessibility of green spaces were measured using GIS in The five types of green space as follows: 1) public social green space, 2) public local green space, 3) private green space. 4) green pedestrian corridors and 5) green traffic corridors. Finally, the outcome of the two sets of data is measured using ANOVA analysis and the Tukey test, and the effect of perception and health on each type of green space is determined separately. The results show that mental health is primarily related to the resident's perception of green vegetation, rather than to the quantity and access to green space. Furthermore, certain species, such as private green space, public social green space, and the pedestrian corridor, will have a greater impact on mental health.