Sewage is running waste water that is disposed off from homes and other domestic uses which is normally transported in form of small liquid with suspension of small solid in large pipes called sewers. The waste water may either be directed to a specific pace to be recycled or be disposed off far away from people as it can lead to spread of diseases. Sewage is a complex mixture containing nutrients, suspended solids, pathogens, oxygen’s dissolving substances and other contaminants and each has different environmental impact (Odetola and Awoniyi, 2007). Studies such as Adesogan (2013) and Ladan (2014) have examined a pragmatic approach to sewage technology in Nigeria and sewage disposal methods and its impact on environmental health Its effective disposal is therefore essential for creating a safe livable and healthy environment. This study focuses on Lagos, a megacity with a population in excess of 20million people. Alimosho Local Government Area (LGA) is a government sub-division within the state that is the most populous and largely home to the city’s lower-middle income and low income earners. The existing situation is such that drainages are lacking and where they do exist, they are often shallow and clogged up with waste and debris inhibiting the free flow of waste water and other effluents. No underground pipe or tunnel system exists in this part of the city. In the event of heavy rainfall, roads become flooded and houses in flood prone areas get damaged, often times leading to the loss of property. This study therefore sought to examine the method of sewage disposal and the challenges associated with it, both domestic and waste and surface run off in the event of rainfall. The survey research method is to be adopted; data is to be collected from residents in four major locations to be identified. It is expected that the stratified random sampling method will be used in selecting the study respondents. Questionnaires and interview guides are to be used as instrument of data collection Findings from this research are expected to help stakeholders at the local level and at the State level in better making the city livable and integrating safe planning practices as the city continues to grow uninhibited. It is expected that the findings can provide a broad framework for the assessment of the inherent sewage challenges in other dense areas of Lagos that lacks strategic spatial planning.