Evaluation of Residential Areas with Different Spatial Patterns through Defensible Space Concept

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There are some differences in terms of spatial form in our cities that constantly change and grow with the developing technology. While some neighborhoods develop with an organic and spontaneous urban texture, some neighborhoods may have a grid or radial form. This study aims to examine the relationship between the crime rates and the perception of safety (fear of crime) and the shaping of the urban form. In this context, the adjacent Akşemsettin and Hırka-i Şerif Neighborhoods, which are located in the Fatih District of Istanbul, Turkey and differ in spatial textures, have been selected as the study area. The former one has a grid form that was planned after a big fire that destroyed the traditional organic urban form. The latter one still exists with its traditional organic urban form with dead-end streets. The study area is examined through Oscar Newman's concept of "Defensible Space" and "Space Syntax method" developed by Bill Hillier & Julienne Hanson. The street networks of the grid and organic forms are analyzed by the Space Syntax method in terms of axiality, intelligibility, connectivity and integration. The primary and secondary data about crime and fear of crime are also statistically analyzed to identify the relationship between urban texture and safety. Increasing crime rates and safety concerns as a result of rapid crowding of cities affect local and central governments' policy, planning and design decisions. This research forms an important basis for these decisions to create safer spaces in our cities and ensure that all public places of the city, such as streets and parking areas, provide a safe environment to the users. At the end of the study, it is expected that important results will be determined on how urban texture affects crime rates and sense of safety and what kind of factors should be taken into consideration in line with the city planning criteria.
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5: Uniqueness and connectivity. Al-Baraha: unlocking urban futures
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Gebze Technical University
Assistant Professor
Gebze Technical University

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