How to Promote the Revitalization of De-industrialized Communities through Industrial Heritage Renewal? Experience of Three Cases

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De-industrialized communities often face economic decline and an aging population. Industrial heritage can be produced as a sustainable catalyst. There are many ways to preserve and reuse industrial heritage, such as building an industrial museum. Kift and Rita stress the importance of the industrial museum. Gourievidis underlines the crucial function of social memory in heritage work, particularly in districts with high levels of socioeconomic deprivation twinned with a degraded self-image. Unlike these studies, this article takes Japan’s Shimizusawa Community, Taiwan’s Songshan Community, and Beijing’s Jingmian Community as case study. Through comparative research, their practices of material planning, industrial development, and social activities based on industrial heritage were sorted out. Shimizusawa Community used to be a mining area, but now it is a key point of the strategy of "The revitalization strategy of the old coal mine region in Sorachi" in Sorachi. The core of this strategy was to promote regional revitalization by industrial heritage tourism development. With the assistance of NPO, the community developed a phased community revitalization plan based on industrial heritage. The abandoned building space and brownfield was used as public facilities or green space to collect heritage stories and carry out heritage activities. Ultimately, the process awakened collective memory and enhances community cohesion. Songshan Community in Taiwan used to be a sugar factory company city. With the decline of the industry and the disintegration of the Unit system, this community was once facing tremendous pressure for transformation. Since the base where it was located was selected as the "Dome Stadium", the community was included in the planning strategy of the "Taipei Cultural and Sports Park", and then was positioned and gradually transformed into the "Songshan Cultural and Creative Park". The way of renewing industrial heritage to promote the revival of communities can be concluded as: design specifications that highlight industrial characteristics; standardized spatial function replacement; public-private partnership build-operate-transfer (BOT) development model; cultural and creative industry policy support. Beijing Jingmian Community is an industrial heritage building group with Soviet characteristics. After the cotton spinning industry withdrew, the community dismantled the first and third factories, but kept the second factory and its living and production groups intact. Under the background of "Jingmian New Town Planning", the production building of the second factory was transformed into a creative industrial park, and its living group was changed to economically affordable housing. While retaining certain original residents, it also provided housing for the employees of the industrial park. In addition, the community continuously expanded new land use methods and periodically transformed industrial heritage buildings to meet the needs of modern public service facilities, and to maintain integration with the outside world through dynamic updates. The key to using industrial heritage renewal to promote the revitalization of de-industrialized communities was summarized as follows through these three communities: the guidance of macro strategies, the management power delegated by the government to the private sector, public-private partnerships and community participation, the overall planning and the implantation of emerging industry functions, the acquisition of capital as the goal and the feasible phased realization plan, continuous evaluation and dynamic update. The article provides references for the revival of similar decaying industrial communities.
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4: Resilience and adaptability. Al-Waha: promoting glocal solutions
Tsinghua University
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Tsinghua University
Tsinghua University

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