GCC cities have allocated multibillion US dollars to finance public realm and beautification programs across their neighborhoods to diversify their economy, enhance the resident’s prosperity and create healthier and liveable cities. Because of the intensive government spending and the recent challenges raised from the covid 19 pandemic, the current and future public realm improvements projects have created a negative economic pressure through its capital and operation cost. Due to the recent Covid pandemic, it becomes mandatory to revise the development and design frameworks for all urban systems. The public realm system is a vital component that should respond to the emerging risks, and become more agile in terms of design pattern, return of investment, recovery, and healing impact on the city. This paper will, 1- provide several road maps for transforming and enabling the public realm system of the Saudi cities to be more agile and resilience 2- help and guide the Government and Municipal Officers, Development Authorities, Landscape Architects, Public Realm, and Urbanists to plan, develop, steer, finance, monitor and update the public realm system in the Saudi cities 3- formulate and tailor a specific accelerator kit to steer the future of Green Saudi initiatives and maintain the uniqueness of the heritage, Bedouin, and desert public spaces. 4- Envisioning the public realm agility through the milestones of 2030, 2040, and beyond to serve the coming generations