Key Aspects of Planning on Urban Resilience of Central Public City Spaces

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This paper focus on the resilience of the central public area to see if it has the potential to meet different needs of the city and adapt to the different events. These events can be a stress to the city which will need more spaces for different kinds of functions during the holidays and bring more local people as well as visitors to pass through and stay. In the research, we want to figure out how the space reacted when the events begin and if it can maintain the normal functions like traffic and the constant shops as well as accommodate the extra stalls and activities. The first aspect is the diversity of uses of these open spaces which can reflect the ability of the area to meet different needs in different time and situation. It is a sustainable characteristic of a place to have the potential to change its role in the city system and have more possibilities. The second aspect is to see if this area can retain its basic function during the unusual days, especially during the festival when there will be a large number of people doing various activities. This is about the concept of resilience that the system should not lose its basic function and characteristics under the stress and disturbance like a huge amount of people in our case. The third aspects is about the measures to emergencies to see if this area have a preparedness for the emergency situation such as fire accident or sudden illness of the people. Furthermore, based on the evaluation, we will come up with some general suggestions to improve the resilience of our research area.
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4: Resilience and adaptability. Al-Waha: promoting glocal solutions
PhD Candidate
Tongji University
Perfection Design Studio, Shanghai
Planning Director
Perfection Design Studio

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