India is a developing country and rapid growth in urbanization is being observed in the Indian cities. In this development process, what often gets ignored is the human scale and the people for whom the cities are built. Cities can be meaningful places to live in if spaces within them are lively, vibrant, and provide opportunities for people. And therefore, the spaces that give opportunities for people, from various cultural, social, and ethnic backgrounds to socially interact, should be planned. Yet in the contemporary urban cities, such interactions are vanishing. The transitional elements of the “old-fashioned” city such as plazas, parks, markets, and walkways which encouraged interaction are now thought to be the waste of space that can be utilized for economic purposes like shopping malls and commercial buildings. Research has shown that happiness continues to rise with income only to a certain level and then is associated more with the community and social connections than with money. A city should, therefore, be planned with respect to the human needs that connect us to other individuals and the collective identity. Cohesive spaces when combined with better spatial connections can act as better transitional spaces that enhance choice, support social cohesion, make places vibrant and safe, and facilitate human interaction. Many researchers have reviewed Social Cohesiveness, Public Space Networks, Public Spaces, Neighborhood systems, and Social Capital, but very few of them have talked about the Transitional Spaces and Social Cohesion in combination. So the seminar tries to generate a link between these two aspects. The study is a qualitative approach that assesses literature in-focus areas of Social Cohesiveness, Public Space Networks, and Transitional Spaces that guide the theoretical framework. The Contemporary era is taking huge steps towards new urban structures. The development of innovative societies can be endorsed through planning and designing of urban spaces. Attractive cities have to be more than just areas for residences. They need to be places for inspiration, integration, and interaction – places that are rich in experiences and knowledge. The study concludes that the major aspects of social cohesiveness identified as per the literature analysis are social interaction in well planned transitional spaces. There is a willingness amongst people to be a part of a socially cohesive society and if opportunities are provided through urban planning, social mixing and interactions can be fostered in transitional spaces. Keywords: Transitional Spaces; Interaction; Public Spaces; Social Cohesion; Public Space Networks