Industrial quarters. Redevelopment as a tool for the integrated development of the Moscow industrial zones that have lost their purpose

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The study «Redevelopment as a tool for the integrated development of the Moscow industrial zones that have lost their purpose» was prepared in connection with the need to form effective mechanisms for the integrated development of the former industrial zones to achieve the strategic development goals of Moscow. Subject of study: identification of territorial potential, priorities of urban development, determination of approaches and possible vectors of transformation of the former industrial zones. The industrial zones considered in this study are located mainly in the middle and peripheral zones (so-called the “rust belt”) and can become centers for the formation of new public and business spaces, a territorial resource for the polycentric scenario of the city development. Moscow is actively reorganizing industrial zones. In 2017, its occupied 17% of the city’s area. Of the 7.8 thousand hectares within the boundaries of the industrial zones, enterprises and organizations of science and industry occupy 50%. The rest of the plots are occupied by «non-core» objects for these zones, characterized by inefficient use of land resources. Now many of these areas are acquiring new functions and appearance. In the period from 2017 to 2020, the city surveyed 100% of the industrial areas, this is about 14.8 thousand hectares or more than 13% of the old Moscow total area. About 5.4 thousand hectares of this land are areas potentially suitable for urban development, including by ITD areas (Integrated territorial development). Urban development potential of ITD areas can reach about 37 million square meters. ITD is a set of measures carried out in accordance with the approved documentation for the planning of the area and aimed at updating the living environment and creating favorable living conditions for citizens, public space, ensuring the development of such area and its improvement. It’s a new urban tool, which received a legal basis in 2017 and was actively implemented in 2020. The objects of study were 21 industrial zones located on the area of 24 Moscow districts, including 38 ITD areas. Formalized models and detailed recommendations were prepared for the 13 pilot ITD areas. Objectives of the study: • Characteristics of strategic development resources. New challenges and competitive advantages of Moscow. • Revealing the features of the organization of industrial zones and ITD areas and the factors of their integration into the urban environment. • Determination of the industrial and economic potential of the zones and areas in the system of urban sub-centers. • Analysis of the world’s best practices in redevelopment. • Search for optimal methods of redevelopment of the industrial areas and ITD areas that have lost their industrial purpose. Methodology of the study consists in systematizing of trends of redevelopment in the world’s largest capitals, analyzing of the unique characteristics of the industrial zones and ITD areas and identifying of individual district requests. Assessment of the objects of the study was carried out a three-level structure: • City level. • District level. • Industrial zones level. As a result of the analysis, the division of urban deficits at the level of every studied district was carried out and 5 groups of districts with similar characteristics, existing conditions of infrastructural provision, the history of the development of the area and the prospects for reorganization were identified. Based on this grouping were selected 13 typical examples ITD areas and presented list of ideas for the placement of anchor facilities for the effective redevelopment. The study results will contribute to implement of a new planning model for polycentric Moscow, improving the quality of the urban environment in peripheral and middle areas and development of Moscow.
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3: Smartness and development. Al-Souq: innovating for performance and management
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