Cycle logistics: The potential of cargo bicycle transport as a sustainable solution for urban logistics in Brazil

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The transport of goods, particularly in dense urban areas, contributes to a problem that most of today's cities share: they are overcrowded by motorized traffic. In that context, urban freight and city logistics are central to the Brazilian economy, but face a number of economic and environmental challenges. This paper aims to contribute to a new body of research that investigates the potential of cycle courier to make city logistics more sustainable and explores ways to encourage their diffusion. In the course of congested cities, increasing delivery volumes and growing environmental awareness, both local public administrations and logistics service providers are faced with the challenge of finding sustainable solutions for urban freight transport. The study analyses the dynamic of the development of cycle logistics in the Brazilian context from an economic, environmental and social perspective. In order to conduct the research, data collection methods were used, including: application of questionnaire and in-depth interview with bike courier companies and collecting secondary data from the Brazilian National Data Basis. Based on this national scale study (developed in 2020) we identify Brazilian bike courier companies and characterize business model, performance and workers profile. The results show the growth potential of bike courier businesses and that can be a suitable addition to urban consolidation concepts from both an environmental and financial point of view. The findings of the paper are of interest to policy makers, urban logistic operators, research institutions and citizens as potential customers.
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4: Resilience and adaptability. Al-Waha: promoting glocal solutions
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Associate Professor
LABMOB / Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Research Coordinator
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