Utilizing Public-Private-People Partnership (PPPP) to Provide Housing Subsidise for Low Income People in Informal Sector (Case Study: Community-Based Housing Project in Unggaran District, Semarang Regency)

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An adequate, safe, and affordable house to live in is a significant commodity needed by all levels of society, including urban communities. Therefore, the provision of adequate, safe, and affordable housing for all elements of society has become one of the main targets of the Indonesian government. The target is stated in the National Mid-Term Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024, where the government targets to increase the number of households living in affordable houses from 56.75% to 70% of households. In other words, it must be increasing about 13.25% over the next five years or around 11 million households by the end of 2024. To reach this target, the Indonesian government has made various strategic programs and policies regarding housing provision and housing subsidies to assist Low-Income Communities in obtaining adequate, safe, and affordable houses. Until now, there are two housing finance assistance programs offered and aimed at Low-Income People (MBR), namely the Housing Financing Liquidity Facility (FLPP) and Savings-Based Housing Financing Assistance (BP2BT). Furthermore, in 2021, the government will allocate financing assistance with FLPP to 157,500 houses and 19,950 houses with BP2BT. That financing assistance is also supported by Value Added Tax (VAT) Incentive as part of the accelerated National Economic Recovery (PEN) program to increase housing sector consumption amid the covid-19 pandemic. Housing financing assistance is expected to reach all segments of MBR, but in its realization, some MBR segments have not been fully reached, namely MBR with the status of informal workers (informal sector). This can be seen in the data on the realization of FLPP from 2015 to 2020, where informal workers are only around 9.3% of the total FLPP recipients. In fact, by referring to data from the Central Statistics Agency in 2021, of the total 133.56 million workforces in Indonesia, the majority are informal sector workers (55.72%). Therefore, it is necessary for the Indonesian government to make housing finance assistance programs that can reach the informal sector optimally. Through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, the Government of Indonesia is currently collaborating with the Regional Government of Central Java Province and the Inclusive Housing and Urban Development Research Center (IHUDRC) of Diponegoro University in the development of a Community-Based Housing Project in Semarang Regency. This project is expected to reach the informal sector optimally. This study uses descriptive qualitative analysis by taking secondary and primary data and uses stakeholder analysis to look at the existing conditions and problems related to providing housing finance assistance to the informal sector in that project as well as the potential for an additional layer for risk mitigation in the form of a cooperative in order to assist the informal sector in obtaining subsidized housing.
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1: Inclusiveness and empowerment. Al-Majlis: planning with and for communities
Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Planning Expert
Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Public Works and Housing

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