Geospatial data homogenization and processing for integrated assessment of urban and natural resources and risks: A pilot case for Lazio Region (Italy)

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In Italian legislation, the landscape is at the center of the strategic planning of land use and risk assessment, orienting the decision and the territorial policy making in the matter of environmental sustainability; management of natural risks; protection and enhancement of the cultural heritage; organisation of socio-economic activities; land use and consumption; management of urban sprawl and infrastructure networks; environmental and urban regeneration activities. Monitoring and evaluating the factors of risk and degradation of the landscape thus becomes fundamental in the adoption of territorial governance on different levels of geographical and administrative scale. The evolution of geospatial technologies and the increasing availability of open data open up new scenarios of geographic analysis for resource management environmental and cultural landscape. The theoretical substratum that supports this work is represented by normative references and programmatic guidelines provided by the European Landscape Convention (2000), the Italian Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape underlining the functional centrality of the landscape and of the environmental and cultural resources within the strategic planning of the territory. In this perspective, the landscape constraint is understood as a tool to guide land use transformation through practical actions aimed at the enhancement of ecosystem services that include: soil maintenance, reducing the risks of hydrogeological stability, the costs of environmental degradation, educational activities, social reception, energy production and a multiplicity of induced entrepreneurship. GIS data and tools have long supported the drafting of government plans and territorial management - including Regional Landscape Plans, Regional Spatial Landscape Plans, Hydrogeological Planning and General Regulatory Plans municipal level - through the digitization of the territorial information heritage. It is in this context that the databases are created relating to the composition of landscape constraints, environmental and cultural assets (including punctual and linear), infrastructure networks, areas at risk. At the administrative level, the use of GIS technologies is limited to the phase of reconnaissance and mapping of the protected elements (ranges, linear, punctual). The technical standards for the implementation of land use planning plans in fact provide for the production of plan maps, as a support tool for geospatial knowledge and planning. The sectionalization and division of administrative competences in the field of spatial planning, however, implies technical and structural differences in the drafting and adoption of plans. Differences that are also reflected in the production, technical structure and availability of related geospatial data through institutional web GIS platforms (such as, for example, regional portals). These problems are, therefore, an obstacle to the unambiguous and integrated mapping of the different spatial planning plans adopted on different levels of administrative scale. The aim of this work is therefore the development of a tool to support strategic decisions (DSS) on a web-based GIS for an integrated and dynamic reading of the different spatial planning plans through a procedure of homogenisation and standardisation of the available geospatial information. Homogenisation means a data-processing procedure designed to combine differently structured information within unique and descriptive layers of information on the essential characteristics of natural, agro-forestry and historical elements and systems-settlements that connote the landscape and territorial structures. The Region Lazio is here presented as a pilot case study for the implementation of tool prototype.
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3: Smartness and development. Al-Souq: innovating for performance and management
Water Resources Research and Documentation Center - University for Foreigners of Perugia
WARREDOC, Università per Stranieri di Perugia

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