Socio Ecological System of Urban Lakes, Case of Jakkur Lake Precinct, Bangalore

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Making existing cities and new urban development more ecologically based is an urgent priority in the global push for sustainability. The study is focused on changing role and state of nature of urban ecological systems in the midst of urban sprawl and rapid urbanization. Sustainable urban design principles need to be applied in the upcoming urban development models. This research is based on the socio-ecological system framework that people and nature are linked systems, emphasizing that humans must be seen as a part of, not apart from, nature. The research takes forward one of the eco-city dimensions in sustainable urban development- Water systems that are the principal, existential and vital generator of the formation and transformation of cities. Urban Lakes are one of the key elements responsible for environmental sustainability that need to be integrated in a holistic manner in urban development. The paper investigates the relationship of water with urban morphology in one of the rapidly urbanizing cities in India - Bangalore. Bangalore once known as the ‘land of thousand lakes’ is no longer the city of lakes. The city of Bangalore is an example of how the harmonious relationship of people and water has been disrupted over the years. My exploration is on applying principles of water sensitive urbanism in Bangalore’s urban lake system. The detailed study of Jakkur lake precinct analyzes networked lake system in Hebbal Valley: Yellamallappa Chetty lake series with settlements dependent on it for social, cultural, recreational, economic and religious aspects. It gives rise to discrete interactions with nature and constitute unique social and ecological interfaces. It reveals an understanding of the underlying natural processes and ecological systems that can be integrated to frame key development principles for sustainable city development. There is need to integrate water systems within urban development in a holistic manner so that they can remain valuable community assets that enhance livability and support the ecosystems that rely on them. Urban development along water system is an important interface between planning and ecology which demands environmentally responsive strategies. Eco City planning and design approach is to restructure the lake area prioritizing the development for non-motorized modes and human oriented development pattern. This will enable diverse greenspaces and built spaces of essentially equal value to spatially intertwine. The open spaces along the valley can serve as eco-mobility network within the city which can provide alternate mobility in the city interlinked to public transit nodes. The aim is to devise a new urban development paradigm realizing lakes as the new ecological asset to organize urban morphology and a green network to the city’s dense urban fabric. The development of urban design principles for co-existence of ecology and urban form where the natural environment permeates the city’s spaces and embraces the city. The urban lake area development can be restructured where the urban lake systems co-exist with the urban form and guide urban morphology in response to the ecological systems. A holistic development of this manner will enable replenishing of water sources in an urban area and restores water balance in the city.
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4: Resilience and adaptability. Al-Waha: promoting glocal solutions
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Oasis Designs Inc

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