With the development of urbanization, cardiovascular disease (CVD) poses a serious threat to urban health.The factors affecting health in CVD are multifaceted and comprehensive, and clarifying the spatial distribution characteristics of CVD and multiple environmental influences is conducive to improving proactive health interventions in urban environments and promoting sustainable urban development. In this study, we explored the spatial distribution characteristics of CVD mortality in Bengbu City, Huaihe River Basin, China, to investigate the correlation between multiple environmental influences and CVD mortality in 2019, and to reveal the mechanism of multiple environmental factors affecting mortality risk. Related studies showed that (1) the basic characteristics of the CVD death population are: males are higher than females; the older the age group, the higher the mortality rate; mostly unemployed; cardiac and cerebral infarction is the main cause of death; and mainly concentrated near the central city and old city. (2) Increased density of restaurants and tobacco stores around residential areas, higher traffic volume, dense residential and spatial forms, low green space coverage, and distance from rivers all increase CVD mortality. Therefore, adopting appropriate urban planning and policies can improve proactive health interventions in cities and reduce CVD mortality.