Rethinking on Urban White Areas in high-density city under Healthy City framework

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Urban White Areas(UWAs) are areas with flexibility and multi-functions, as opposed to traditional definite approach of urban planning management. Extant studies on UWAs often focus on functional compatibility in land use management. This article,based on empirical study of Guangzhou, a high-density city in southern China, draws attention to UWAs’ significant role in city active health management, especially after COVID-19 pandemic.This article summarizes significance and necessity of UWAs by highlighting the facts and problems in Guangzhou during the pandemic. This analysis also indicates that the emphasis of Healthy City has already shifted from ‘passive health management’-focus on hospitalization development to ‘active health management’-focus on preventive and adaptive strategies.In light of this, multi-scale UWAs should be integrated into urban planning system.In the scale of citywide,while Guangzhou Territorial Spatial Comprehensive Planning is being made, Strategic Urban White Areas(SUWAs)are deliberately embedded into the planning layout.Guangzhou has made great efforts to preserving ecological corridors since 2000, which reserves ‘empty’space for SUWAs Planning. The site selection criteria, size and configuration standards and functional uses compatible with both peace and epidemic time are three key factors in SUWAs Planning.In the scale of community,a great number of underutilized spaces are revitalized as UWAs.By summing up two practical cases in Guangzhou, innovative design ideas and public participation are crucial to the success in revitalization process.With the introduction of UWAs,challenges have also been placed on land use management.Innovative management approach is needed to suit the new changes.
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4: Resilience and adaptability. Al-Waha: promoting glocal solutions
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Guangzhou Urban Planning Design & Survey Research Institute
Guangzhou Urban Planning Design & Survey Research Institute
Guangzhou Urban Planning Design & Survey Research Institute

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